Sunday, June 10, 2012

Courtney's in China!!!!

After spending nearly 16 hours traveling (Dulles->La Guardia, La Guardia->Detroit, Detroit->Shanghai), I was very happy to arrive in Shanghai.

I've always been interested in China but until now I've never had the opportunity to travel here. While I have studied Chinese prior to this trip, my language ability is still very low and therefore I am very grateful that Yang Laoshi, Professor Stiffler and Xiong Yu are able to translate.

 The past few days have been amazing and I am looking forward to the next leg of the journey (Wuhan mountains). I've tried so many different foods (Best food thus far: fried duck intestines ^.^) and things normally outside of my comfort zone (karaoke, anyone?). I'll post some pictures soon (As of now the photo count is nearly 400 pictures and 2 videos)

I was surprised by the amount of air pollution. It took three days for my lungs to adjust to the air quality here.  Hopefully the mountain air will be much cleaner.

Bus is here. I've got to go.

Hasta Luego!!

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